The Adoption of Electronic Medical Records

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The Adoption of Electronic Medical Records essay assignment

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In the current health care environment, practices must be able to keep pace with technology advances. The adoption of electronic medical records, in particular, is no longer optional. Informatics professionals must be able to analyze, evaluate, and select electronic medical records within health care organizations that will fulfill the documentation requirements of the organization while meeting all regulatory requirements.


For this assignment:

    1. Access the Health IT Web site (see How to Implement EHRs in the Resources) and provide a summary in your own words of the six steps to implement EHRs.
    2. Using the tools provided in the California Healthcare Foundation’s EMR Evaluation Tool and User Guide, compare and contrast at least three electronic medical record systems.

Provide a summary of which of the three electronic medical records selected would best fit your current organization. Provide a clear rationale for the selection and back your explanation with relevant scholarly resources. Assignment

  • researching and consulting the literature so you can evaluate various electronic medical record systems used by nurses across different health care settings.

In the assignment you need to:

    1. Understand the implementation steps for implementation of electronic health records.
    2. Compare and contrast electronic medical records systems.
    3. Assess the fit of an electronic medical record within your work environment

Writing Requirements

    • Length: At least 5 double-spaced pages (excluding the cover page and references list). Include page numbers, headings, and running header, headings.
    • References: Should be scholarly and formatted according to APA guidelines.
    • Formatting: Use correct APA style and formatting, paying particular attention to citations and references.
    • Font size and type: 12-point Times New Roman.

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