Teaching/Focused Exam: Community-Acquired Pneumonia Shadow Health Essay Assignment Paper

Teaching/Focused Exam: Community-Acquired Pneumonia Shadow Health Essay Assignment Paper

Teaching/Focused Exam: Community-Acquired Pneumonia Shadow Health Essay Assignment Paper

Teaching Community Acquired Pneumonia (CAP): CAP is an acute infection of the tissue of the lungs in a patient who has acquired the infection in the community ( as hospital-acquired [nosocomial] pneumonia). CAP is a common and potentially serious illness. It is associated with considerable morbidity and mortality, particularly in older adult patients, immunocompromised patients, and those with comorbidities. Focused Exam: Community-Acquired Pneumonia Shadow Health-Patient Teaching/Focused Exam: Community-Acquired Pneumonia Shadow Health-Patient Teaching Patient Narrative: Anita Douglas is a 72-year-old African American woman who presents to her PCP with complaints of chest pain, coughing, and fever. This assignment provides the opportunity to conduct a focused exam on a patient who presents with Community Acquired Pneumonia. You will interview Dr. Douglas and obtain enough subjective data to determine the appropriate pharmacological therapy for her condition. After the patient exam, you will select the medication which best suits Dr. Douglas’ needs, educate the patient on the medication’s side effects, write a prescription, and transfer care of the patient.

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