Strategies to Promote Academic Integrity and Professional Ethics Essay Assignment Paper

Strategies to Promote Academic Integrity and Professional Ethics Essay Assignment Paper

Strategies to Promote Academic Integrity and Professional Ethics Essay Assignment Paper

Nurse-scholars have a significant obligation to their community as well. Their work must have academic and professional integrity. Their efforts are designed to add to the body of knowledge, advance the profession, and ultimately help in the care of patients. Work that lacks integrity is subject to erode quickly or worse.Strategies to Promote Academic Integrity and Professional Ethics Essay.

Fortunately, there are strategies and tools that can help ensure integrity in academic and professional work. This Assignment asks you to consider these tools and how you might apply them to your own work.

In this Assignment you will continue developing your Academic Success and Professional Development Plan by appending the original document you began in the previous assignment.

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Quiz: APA Style and Format
As a nurse embarking on an advanced degree, you are developing the characteristics of a scholar-practitioner, which include strong communication skills. Writing in a scholarly manner involves supporting your thoughts with evidence from the literature and appropriately using APA formatting.

One of the challenges of scholarly writing is paraphrasing the thoughts of others in your work. Paraphrasing, and correctly citing the original author for his or her ideas, allows you to take the ideas of others, summarize them, and incorporate them into your own writing. When summarizing the ideas of others, it is important to avoid plagiarizing (i.e., copying the words and ideas of others as though they were your own). In addition to expanding your knowledge of APA Style, this modules’s Learning Resources help you distinguish between paraphrasing and plagiarizing.

This Quiz will help you determine how your understanding of these concepts and prepardness to reflect them in your work. The questions presented on the Quiz are derived from the Resources related to APA writing standards, plagiarism, and academic integrity.Strategies to Promote Academic Integrity and Professional Ethics Essay.

To Prepare:

Review the Resources related to APA Style and format this Module presents.
Click on the “Week 4 Quiz” link to begin.

By Day 7 of Week 4
Complete the Quiz.

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