States’ Rights versus Medicare Paper Essay Assignment Paper

States’ Rights versus Medicare Paper Essay Assignment Paper

States’ Rights versus Medicare Paper Essay Assignment Paper

Medicaid is a social program funded by the Federal Government. It was established in 1965 under the Presidency of Lyndon B Johnson. The program provides health coverage for the poor and disabled as long as their income falls below the federal poverty level. States are not required to participate in the program. If they do, the federal government will match a certain percentage of the state’s healthcare expenditures .

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The federal government funds 50% to 80% of the cost to provide Medicaid based on a state’s per capita income . The federal government mandates that certain services are provided to particular Medicaid recipients. If the state decides that it wants to provide additional services other than those mandated, the federal government will match the cost. Up until 1995, recipients were having trouble finding a doctor who would accept Medicaid because of the low rates of pay. In 1995, Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOS) were contracted by Medicaid to provide care for needy families with children and pregnant women . Currently, all states participate in Medicaid.

The Issue of Federalism
The issue of states’ rights has been a point of contention since the founding of our nation. The Articles of Confederation were established by Congress in 1791, six years before the ratification of the US Constitution . The purpose of the Articles of Confederation was to make certain that “each state retains its sovereignty, freedom and independence, and every power jurisdiction, and right, which is not by this confederation expressly delegated to the United State in Congress assembled” . The 10th Amendment to the US Constitution sought to assure the Anti-Federalists that the state had control over its own polices. State law trumps federal law. The federal government and the state government have two different functions. In fact, the state can ignore a federal law .

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