Research ; Reliability and Validity Essay Assignment Paper

Research ; Reliability and Validity Essay Assignment Paper

Research ; Reliability and Validity Essay Assignment Paper

Houser, J. (2018). Nursing research: Reading, using, and creating evidence. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

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As you consider this week’s discussion question, you will also want to think about validity. What is reliability and validity. How do they differ? How are they related? What are the implications of invalid measurement tools?

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An excellent (and credible) website to assist in your understanding of this week’s content can be found at

Keep these principles in mind as you reflect upon the data collected and reported in the website cited. Surveys are frequently used to collect data in research studies. The development of a sound survey is a science in and of itself. As you review the survey presented in the link provided above, consider the purpose of the survey. Does the survey appear to collect the intended data? What data do you feel would be beneficial to have collected that perhaps was not? What challenges are present in survey data collection?  Review of course outcomes 2, 4 and 5 will help keep students focus as they comment on this busy and complex discussion board.

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