Relation Between Slave Morality and Resentment

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Relation Between Slave Morality and Resentment essay assignment

1) Briefly explain Nietzsche’s claim that “every elevation of the type ‘man’ has hitherto been the work of an aristocratic society and so it will always be”? Do you agree? Why or why not?

2) What, according to Nietzsche, is the connection between resentment and slave morality? Can you think of any corroborating examples of this drawn from your own experiences or observations?

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Ch. 10: Sartre:

3) What exactly does Sartre mean when he says that “If God does not exist, then everything is permitted”? Do you agree with him? Why or why not?

Chapter 11: Theodore Dalrymple:

4) According to Dalrymple, what is the fundamental difference between “depression” and “unhappiness”? Are you persuaded by his argument? Why or why not?

5) Throughout his writings, Dalrymple contrasts what we might call the “tragic view” of human life (held by writers like Turgenev, among others) and the “utopian view” (held by writers like Marx and Ibsen). Briefly describe the difference between the two, and explain which of the two you find the more plausible and why.

Here is the first post,1) Briefly explain Nietzsche’s claim that “every elevation of the type ‘man’ has hitherto been the work of an aristocratic society and so it will always be”? Do you agree? Why or why not?Nietzsche’s is referring to how an aristocratic society has always existed. In an aristocratic society the upper class is given privileges and power that the lower class lacks. Nietzsche’s adds, ” To be sure, one must not resign oneself to any humanitarian illusions about the history of the origin of an aristocratic society (that is to say, of the preliminary condition for the elevation of the type “man”): the truth is hard” (Arandia, 129).  When Nietzsche says the truth is hard he is saying how we are born without a choice of what social rank we want to be a part of. I agree with Nietzsche because when someone is born to a wealthy family they are automatically provided with advantages in life. On the other hand people who come from a lower class face hardships, lack access to opportunities, and struggle financially most of their life. I can see why Nietzsche classifies this idea as “the truth is hard” (Arandia, 129). With that said, it is to no surprise how the rich continue to get richer and the poorer get more poor. A great example of this hard truth is the current Covid 19 pandemic life event we are living. During this unfortunate pandemic, we have seen that most of the lower class lost their jobs and most of the higher class kept their jobs. I have a friend who makes more than six figures and mentioned to me that he is looking into investing in the stock market because he knows he can make more money. He is not afraid to risk and invest money because he has plenty of it. Someone from the lower class would not be thinking of investing in stocks because most do not have money to invest. As a matter of fact, the lower class are struggling to pay rent and get through this pandemic. In this example we can see the unfortunate truth that the rich have more opportunities to keep up their social status even when living through Covid 19 and it is almost impossible for someone from a lower class to not experience hardship. Arandia, Mark. Competing Visions: An Introduction to Moral Philosophy, Kendall Hunt Publishing, 2015, pp. 129.

This is the second one, The connection between “resentment” and “slave morality” is the fact that slave morality is essentially derived from resentment. In the text, Nietzsche talks about “the abused, the oppressed, the suffering, the unemancipated, the weary, and those uncertain of themselves,” who tremble in fear at the “power and dangerousness,” the “dreadfulness, subtlety, and strength” (Master and Slave morality Ch 9 pg 127). He claims that the weaker beings of their society created this ideology to label those who are strong or naturally doing well in life as “evil”. While there is some truth to what he is saying, there lies a sense of totality in his writing that does not sit well with me. Some, who have been disenfranchised or given a bad hand at life, instead of making the most out of it, turn to blaming the rich and happy for their issues. However, the most glaring example of why one must never think this black and white is the situation of systemic racism in our country today. Minorities have an automatic bad hand, and they are dealt that hand daily. Over and over again, and in some cases, it costs them their lives. Is it “slave morality” or blame deflection if the oppressed is accurately calling out the oppressor, what happens when the lesser of society is actually telling them truth? When minorities speak of being abused mentally, physically, emotionally, financially, and the oppressor begins victim blame, there is an issue with that way of thinking. It naturally creates a toxic environment. When black people say “Black lives Matter” and an oppressor approaches them about “black on black crime”, they are actively blaming the victim for something that particular person more than likely has never participated in. Saying that the people in Nietzsche’s society are inaccurately blaming the more fortunate because the former has been dealt a bad hand is just like trying to justify the injustices of people of color in this country by trying to highlight the flaws of the oppressed rather than taking responsibility. I thought this was just an American thing, but it seems to have been around since the beginning.

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