Recreational Activities & After School Programs For Our Youth

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Recreational Activities & After School Programs For Our Youth essay assignment

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Policy Priority Paper –

Assignment Criteria for Presentation:
1. Provide an introduction to your policy-priority issue.
2. Articulate key points under each of the Formulating a Healthcare Policy Ungraded Worksheet #1 sections, using the headings in your paper.
3. Provide a critique of empirical evidence that supports your chosen policy issue and analysis.
4. Demonstrate the importance and impact of the chosen policy issue to nursing.
5. Provide concluding statements summarizing the content.
6. The paper will be a minimum of 4 pages and a maximum of five pages in length, in APA format 6th edition, excluding the title and reference page.

After completing Formulating a Health Care Policy Ungraded Worksheet #1, address all areas on the worksheet in the body of a scholarly paper. Include a minimum of five (5) classic or current references published within the past 5 years.
Category Points % Description
Introduction and Conclusion 35 20 Introduction clearly introduces your policy priority issue. Concluding statements summarizing content.
Key Points 40 23 Identification of all key points of your policy-priority issue (review sections of Healthcare Policy Ungraded Worksheet) are clearly analyzed and fully articulated.
Empirical Evidence 40 23 Provide a critique of empirical evidence that supports your chosen policy issue and analysis.
Impact and Importance to Nursing 35 20 Demonstrate the importance and impact of the chosen policy issue to nursing.
APA Format 10 6 Text, title page, and references are consistent with APA format.
Writing Quality 15 8 Rules of grammar, word usage, sentence, and paragraph format and punctuation.
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