PSY 241 Gender Stereotyping Essay Assignment Paper

PSY 241 Gender Stereotyping Essay Assignment Paper

PSY 241 Gender Stereotyping Essay Assignment Paper


1) In what 1 major way did Gender Stereotyping influence your development in late childhood. (3 pts)

a. Then from the areas of Similarities/Differences that do exist, select 1 finding from each (Physical, Cognitive, Socio-Emotional…1 from each area) that coincides with your development as a child (ie, what finding would your experience confirm about the similarities/differences between boys and girls in middle late childhood).

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i. Physical (5 pts)

ii. Cognitive (5 pts)

iii. Socio-emotional (5 pts)

2)  Explain the Peer Statuses. (5 pts) PSY 241 Gender Stereotyping Essay Assignment Papers.

a. Then, create a scenario, as if you were a teacher, parent, social worker, and you are working with a “Rejected Child.” Here you are writing a specific scenario, such as “Bill is emotionally reactive. When playing video games, he gets angry at the game and his friends when something goes wrong, to the point of yelling, throwing things, and turning it off! He’ll scream and blame his friends for things that appear accidental. Then he goes back and forth from aggressive bullying his friends into playing his way to whining and acting like a victim that his friends have hurt.”

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