Promoting a health policy which supports patient safety Essay Assignment Paper

Promoting a health policy which supports patient safety Essay Assignment Paper

Promoting a health policy which supports patient safety Essay Assignment Paper

Imagine you are a stakeholder for a non-profit health care organization. As a leader you are responsible for modeling ethical behavior and have the ability to encourage patient safety initiatives.  See rubric for additional details.

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word letter to your legislator promoting a health policy which supports patient safety. Your policy could include safety issues such as and hand hygiene or Medication Administration.

Include the following in your letter:

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  • Explain the health policy you are proposing and its purpose.
    • Explain why action is needed.
    • Explain what course of action is recommended.
    • Explain why this health policy change is important.
  • Explain essential points that explain how this issue has evolved or become a concern. (Include references to support your points and explanation.)
    • Explain who will be affected by this policy.
  • Analyze the responsibilities of the organization’s leadership.
    • Analyze the impact this policy will have on resources.
    • Describe if individuals meet licensing board requirements (if any).
    • Analyze the impact of not following ethical standards.
  • Analyze the responsibility of professional licensing boards as it applies to patient safety.

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