Occupational Health and Safety Assignment Essay Paper

Occupational Health and Safety Assignment Essay Paper

Occupational Health and Safety Assignment Essay Paper

Health and safety in the workplace are one of the main factors to think upon. As if there are many reasons that can exacerbate the health-related problem, there may be chances of occurring severe damage to it. Within modern industries, there are many dangers that people can identify as a health-related issue. Heavy chemicals, pressure for strict deadlines, hiring unskilled workers, and other issues are some examples of these threats.

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I have discussed all such problems in this essay with a clear explanation. I have also suggested some means through which employees can protect themselves from such dangers. As it is obvious that a healthy environment gives a sound mind, so to work effectively, the workplace should be safe from possible threats.Occupational Health & Safety Assignment


Health and safety are primarily concerned with providing workers with a safe and healthy workplace. In 1950 the International Labor Organization declared a definition of health and safety. “Occupational wellness should aim at promoting and sustaining the highest level of workers ‘ physical, mental and social well-being in all professions.

Working conditions cause prevention among the employees for the departure from health. It protects the workers from risks resulting from adverse health factors in their work. The worker’s position and maintenance in an occupational environment that suits to his physiological and psychological ability.”

Good health and Safety will result in good business. It has become a pressing issue these days, which require immediate focus. Generally, some organizations fail to understand this importance. Workplace health and safety should also protect colleagues, employers, family members, vendors, neighboring communities, consumers, and other public members who have a link with the workplace environment.

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