Obesity Prevention program plan (OPPP) related to CVD among African American female Essay Assignment Paper

Obesity Prevention program plan (OPPP) related to CVD among African American female Essay Assignment Paper

Obesity Prevention program plan (OPPP) related to CVD among African American female Essay Assignment Paper

7-Application to the Worksite. Answer both.This would be in a worksite
or employee wellness program.
Using your program that you have been working on all
semesterMy program is Obesity Prevention program plan (OPPP) related to CVD among African American female

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Take one of your goals and all of its objectives
and convert them into a work-based program goal and objectives. You must be sure that you are hitting on the
major elements in which employers are most interested. List the goal and then all the objectives you
would need to hit the goal.

GOAL :Prevent
and control obesity and other chronic diseases through healthful eating and
physical activity according to CDC.

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