Mapping Care Using standarized terminology

4 page paper about Mapping care using standardized terminology. 6 sections, 1st the introduction of the chosen diagnosis and why i\’m interested in it and why it is necessary to develop a standarized care map for all nurses. I would chose someting to do with med/surg nursing. The chosen 2 NANDA nursing diagnosis, 3 appropriate nursing interventions for matching diagnosis and 3 matching nursing outcomes. 2nd discuss why it is necessary to develop a standardized map for all nurses. 3rd NANDA nursing diagnoses. discuss at least 2-3 NANDA nursing diagnosis, definitions and classifications. 4th NIC classification system.

Discuss 3 nursing interventions from NIC for each NANDA diagnoses. 5th NOC classifiction System.

Discuss 3 nursing outcomes from the nursing outcomes classification system for each NANDA nursing diagnoses. 6th is a summary/conclusion. last is a concept map

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