Lincoln Memorial Hospital Health Information Management Essay Assignment Paper
Lincoln Memorial Hospital Health Information Management Essay Assignment Paper
Health information management in Lincoln Memorial Hospital generally involves the application of informatics to collect, store, and use or even transmit data and information in order to meet the required standards as set by the legal system, ethics, professionals and administration. Professional health information managers ensure that all these meet the set standards and ensure credibility. They also analyze the information which is then used by healthcare data contributors to deliver quality healthcare (Robson and Beak, 2009).
How the Requirements Created By the Joint Commission, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, or State Legislatures Influence Quality Improvement Projects /Programs in Lincoln Memorial Hospital Health Information Management Essay
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Professional organizations such as The Joint Commission, The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services or even the State Legislatures play a very important role in influencing quality improving projects in Lincoln Memorial Hospital. They set the standard requirements which the quality improvement programs are supposed to work towards and meet. Hence, in developing the necessary healthcare policies, the health information management professionals have or take into consideration all these standards as benchmarks (November, 2012).
How Lincoln Memorial Hospital Measures The Success Of Quality Improvement Projects/Programs.
The Lincoln Memorial Hospital measures the progress of the quality improvement programs on a regular basis so as to determine their success. This is done in several ways which include profitability methods. If records indicate a remarkable increase in profitability, this is a positive signal of improvements in the quality improvement program (Robson and Baek, 2009).
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