Kolb and Jarvis Experiential Learning Theory Essay Assignment Paper

Kolb and Jarvis Experiential Learning Theory Essay Assignment Paper

Kolb and Jarvis Experiential Learning Theory Essay Assignment Paper

The learning styles formulized by the above theorists are; converger, diverger, assimilator and accommodator. The converger would carry the characteristics of abstract conceptualization and active experimentation. Convergers would be persons of narrow interests, strong to apply the ideas practically, unemotional, and would have a hypo-deductive reasoning on specific problems. The diverger would assume the characteristics of concrete experience and reflective observation, and would be able to have a strong imagination. In addition to having broad cultural interests, these individuals have the ability to see things at different perspectives, and are interested in people. The assimilator would be defined by the two characteristics, namely abstract conceptualization and reflective observation. The individual would perform best in inductive reasoning in addition to being interested more in abstract concepts than people. Kolb and Fry also described these individuals as having a great ability to create theoretical models. The fourth group theorized by Kolb and Fry was the accommodator who would carry the characteristics of concrete experience and active experimentation. These have been described as individuals will be able to intuitively solve problems, and when required to react to immediate circumstances, these individuals would do well. The individuals have also been termed as risk takers and have greatest strength in doing things. Kolb and Fry in there development of the learning styles challenged the concept that learning could be reduced to one dimension such as intelligence.

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Experiential learning can be utilized to planning of adult learning and the evaluation of the same. Although the model has been applauded in the important role it plays in the planning of learning activities and helping to check that learners are engaged, there has been criticism of the Kolb’s model of learning with the feeling that it does not foster the idea of reflection in learning. The theory has also been criticized in that experiential learning does not apply to all situations theorized in the model. Instead, there was a possibility for alternatives, such as information assimilation and memorization.  It is known that cultural experiences/conditions have a place in the learning process. The Kolb model is not does not feature or gives a little focus on cultural experiences/conditions. The model does not focus on the importance of differences in cognitive and communication styles that are culturally-based. There has been thought that the presentation of the ideas in the model is rather too neat and simplistic (and to extent unreal) because some processes may occur once and stages can be jumped. The degree of integration of the learning styles cannot be measured by the learning style inventory because the latter lacks that capacity (Tennant, 1997). In addition, because a broad and wide research base is important in exploring and testing the model, the model is therefore limited in its dimensions.

Although the concept of Kolb can give a linkage between knowledge and learning, it has been criticized on the basis of limited exploration of knowledge. Kolb has only explored the issue of knowledge on a social psychology perspective and doesn’t therefore explore it in depth. The theory has been criticized for leaving out the debates about knowledge theorized in the philosophic and social theory. His conceptualization of the idea that learning is concerned with producing knowledge has been faulted on the consideration of the idea of informed, committed action.

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A further understanding of experiential learning may be indicated in the theory generated by Jarvis (1987, 1995) and theorizes the different responses to the potential learning situation. The theory development involved exploration of the Kolb’s model by a number of adults who would utilize their own experience of learning in the analysis. Non-learning, non-reflective learning, and some reflective learning were the different routes that were possible in the model theorized by Jarvis. In non-learning, people were able to interact through patterned behaviors. Individuals may fail to respond to a situation of potential learning and therefore fail to be engaged in the experiential learning process. In addition, it was possible to undergo rejection in the process and fail to achieve or advance experiential learning. Non-reflective trends included the daily encounters of pre-conscious behavior as everyone is exposed to experiences on a daily basis that he does not think about. Practice is also a stage in non-reflective trend and focuses on acquiring physical skills and training for a manual occupation. Non-reflective trend also is characterized by memorization. In this model, reflective learning involved contemplation which entails giving a consideration and making an intellectual decision about it. Individuals would also be able to go thorough reflective learning by having a reflective practice in and on action. The conceptualization by Jarvis also falls short in the consideration of stage wise flow of things, yet it is crucial to note that different things may happen together at once.

Experiential learning is also affected by factors such as the adult motivation to learning. In fact learning is not only a constituent of experiences but also motivation to learning. Motivation of adult learners is an important aspect to achieving successful adult education. Motivation of the adult learner may be explored in consideration of the characteristics of the adult learner. Adult learners are self-directed and autonomous and therefore the processes with which learning is to be achieved need to foster these principles. In this respect, they are more responsible and need guidance to learn and find knowledge on their own (Lieb, 1991). The adult learner has gone through and accumulated a lot of experiences and knowledge and may require that the learning environment and learning process accommodate these things. Adults will enroll for pursuing academics and courses while knowing clearly what they want, and thus they need to be guided on what to achieve at the end of certain courses before they enroll. Adults are likely to engage in activities and processes which they see relevance and therefore the learning process must accomplish this. They are practical and need to be shown respect.

Consideration of the reasons why individual adults engage in the learning process is important so as to foster motivation and learning. In order to motivate the adult learner, there is need to consider some factors including need to accommodate their cognitive interests such as facilitating search of knowledge on their own. Adult learners sometimes need to be considered in their quest to attain relieve of boredom at work and home. The adult learner must be shown the connection of the job towards advancement of the self at the workplace (e.g. achieve promotion) and be able to link the two. In addition, their interests in making new friends and social network can play a significant role in motivating them (Lieb, 1991).Kolb and Jarvis Experiential Learning Theory

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