Interpersonal Communication

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Interpersonal Communication essay assignment

Imagine the following scenario: You have been waiting at the auto repair shop for over an hour past the time you were supposed to pick up your car. You need to pick up your car and then return back to work. You approach the front desk and the following conversation takes place:

You: “Hello. I have been waiting to pick up my car for over an hour. I was told my car would be repaired and ready to go more than an hour ago. Can you please let me know when my car will be ready?”

Front Desk Receptionist: “We are busy and there have been a lot of cars in today for repairs.”

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You: “I understand that the mechanics are busy and that you have a lot of cars to repair today. I would just like to know an estimate on when my car will be ready. I need to let my work know when I plan to return.”



Front Desk Receptionist: “I don’t have time for this. I am very busy. There is no way I can give you any kind of estimate. This is what happens when you do not plan properly.”




Based on the example above, write a 3-4 page paper discussing the following aspects:


1. Identify the Conflict Management Strategy (avoiding, accommodating, compromising, competing or collaborating – chart on page 372 – details from 372-377) chosen by the receptionist. Name, define and explain the conflict management strategy. Use book definitions.


2. Gibb’s Defensive Climate Behaviors (chart on page 350 – details from 350-356). After reading about them please analyze the above script. Which of Gibb’s six DEFENSIVE climate behaviors is exhibited by the receptionist? Define the defensive behavior and explain what the receptionist did or did not do that indicates the use of that behavior. Use book definitions.



3. Gibb’s Supportive Climate Behaviors (chart on page 350 – details from 350-356). Which of Gibb’s six types of SUPPORTIVE behaviors would be best employed in this scenario? Define the supportive behavior and explain why this would be an option. Use book definitions.

4. Re-write the script and be specific here. Identify what the receptionist could have said to you instead.

Then discuss what interpersonal communication behaviors both verbally and nonverbally could have been enacted by the receptionist to ensure a more positive and supportive climate. Use book definitions.






Overall Expectations


· Your paper should be typed, approximately 3-4 pages long, and double spaced.


· The paper should also be proofread, and mistakes in grammar, spelling, sentence structure, formatting and other areas of paper mechanics should be kept to a minimum.


· Be sure to include a complete introduction to the paper that includes a thesis statement introducing the main ideas of the paper.


· Organize the body of the paper into main ideas that fit with your thesis statement.


· Include a definitive conclusion that summarizes the key themes in the paper.


Include proper in-text citations in either APA (see ) or MLA (see ) format.


· Be certain that you include the textbook definitions of the concepts you use and that you cite these definitions correctly. A reference list

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