Infant Health Essay Assignment Paper

Infant Health Essay Assignment Paper

Infant Health Essay Assignment Paper

Humans like all mammals are born small and weak. A child born in any part of the world, among any color, race, religion or region is the same. As it has a growing body and mind which from day one tends to adapt to its habitat and environment in terms of language, religion, social and emotional learning. Yet the first leap or bridge with a child and its parents or guardians understands each other. In the womb of a mother, a child lives for ninth months almost with out issuing any external demands for food, hygiene or other pressing requirements. However the day he comes not in the world, transforming from an embryo to a baby with eyes and ears possessing the five senses, now he tires to make us feel his presence by crying and making noise.

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Different people respond to a child’s cry in different ways. For some it’s a sheer source of noise and distraction. However, when a mother hears her child’s cry her heart and mind rapidly start contemplating as to what he needs. In this regards different experts come up with different set of guidelines more or less close in nature that can be adopted by the parent to diagnose his child’s need.

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