Homeopathic Medicine Sample Research Essay Assignment Paper

Homeopathic Medicine Sample Research Essay Assignment Paper

Homeopathic Medicine Sample Research Essay Assignment Paper

Homeopathic medicine is until now at odds with the established norms of medicine. It is founded on two premises which, if not properly explained, seem meaningless.Homeopathic Medicine Sample Research The first is the principle of “similars.” “Like cures like” is one fundamental premise on which homeopathy stands. According to this principle, an ailment can be treated and eventually cured simply by administering small doses of substances which give off the same symptoms that a particular ailment does. For example, since onions affect a profuse letting of tears, it is therefore believed that it can be used to reduce the symptoms of hay fever.

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Based on this view, the very symptoms of an illness are positive signs themselves that the body’s system (life energy) is fighting against the illness. Another premise of homeopathy is “the more diluted a substance, the higher its potency” (O’ Mathuna & Larimore, 2001). This proposal left many medical practitioners cynical since it contradicts established scientific findings. Most of the homeopathic cures if taken in concentrated or large doses can become toxic.

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