Healthcare Policy and Complications Essay Assignment Paper

Healthcare Policy and Complications Essay Assignment Paper

Healthcare Policy and Complications Essay Assignment Paper

Nowadays the healthcare policy is more complicated than ever, numerous policies, regulations by government and health insurance agencies. All these issues impose great challenges and obstacles in healthcare making nurses’ job even more challenging. Unfortunately, most of the times patients and nurses are the ones caught between the cross currents of cost constraints and access to appropriate quality care”(Premji, & Hatfield, 2016). America is undoubtedly one of the countries with the best quality of care but all these policies affect negatively the patient outcomes. For instance, if you are uninsured you cannot seek medial attention, so if you are not able to afford having health insurance you are doomed. Coming from a country where healthcare is free for everybody, this is eye-opening experience for me.

According to the Commonwealth Fund (2016) 33 million people, were uninsured in 2014, down 13.3 percent since 2013. This means that 33 million people had no access in any medical facility and that if they suffered from a serious condition they would be unable to seek medical assistance. This proves that there is an intention on reducing the number of Americans who lack health insurance, but now with all this political instability and the intention to terminate the affordable care act the healthcare scene looks ominous.

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