Geriatric Case Management Practices

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Geriatric Case Management Practices essay assignment

Deliverable Length: 400 to 500-word initial post with at least two 100-word responses

Assignment Details

Describe your proposed approach for conducting a geriatric needs assessment that is necessary to develop a quality case management document for your geriatric patient. Explain how the information gleaned from your assessment will support your career as an effective case manager. Why do you think this approach may result in a better quality of life for your patient?

  • Please review the approach proposed by other students and provide objective feedback on opportunities for improvement, justifying your feedback.
  • Your response to the initial discussion question must be substantive (300-500 words), citing your sources.

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Unit: Geriatric Case Management Practices Part 2

Deliverable Length: 400 to 500-word

Assignment Details

Reflecting on the content of this course, especially this unit, what are some of the important challenges facing geriatric case management today? Choose one and explain how you would go about addressing it.


Unit: The Business of Geriatric Case Management

Deliverable Length: 400 to 500-word

Assignment Details

Collaboration leverages the collective knowledge of a health care team. Peer evaluation and support, provided in the spirit of continuous improvement and organizational success, result in higher quality deliverables than are generally possible by the efforts of an individual.

  • Describe the process you plan to use to conduct research, identify findings, and develop the Comprehensive Project that is due in Unit 5.


Unit: GCM: Clinical Issues and Challenges

Deliverable Length: 400 to 500-word

Assignment Details

Address the following points in your Discussion Board entry:

  • How will the competencies and knowledge learned throughout this course support your career advancement in health care management?
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