Features And Treatment Of Bipolar Disorders Essay Assignment Paper

Features And Treatment Of Bipolar Disorders Essay Assignment Paper

Features And Treatment Of Bipolar Disorders Essay Assignment Paper

Ever wonder how many people in this world have Bipolar Disorders but have no clue? Though the causes and effects of Bipolar Disorders vary, there are many options to treat bipolar disorder. Genetic connection of bipolar disorder found that children with one biological parent with bipolar 1 or bipolar 2 disorders have an increased likelihood of getting bipolar disorder. Most people with bipolar disorder experience at least one social rhythm disruption caused by a major mood episode. Some effects of bipolar disorders are use of drugs or alcohol to cope with symptoms, post-traumatic stress disorder also known as (PTSD), anxiety disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and if left untreated up and down episodes can be devastating.

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In conclusions bipolar disorders affects people because it’s a lifelong thing it’s more to it than just medication and its gone. Study shows that the cause of Bipolar Disorder is partly caused by a hidden problem with certain brain circuits. Study also shows that bipolar disorder can sometimes run in the family. “Because it appears bipolar disorder can run in families, there appears to be at least some kind of genetic factors at play. About half the people with bipolar disorder have a family member with a mood disorder, such as depression”. If there is a Parent or family member with this order then there’s a 40 to 70% that people can get this disorder form a family member “Instead, a variety of genetic factors and disturbances of brain chemicals (neurotransmitters) provide a biological basis for making some people vulnerable to bipolar.” People with this disorder are hard to deal with the mood swings can go from angry, to depressed, to sleepy to confused, and etc.” Features And Treatment Of Bipolar Disorders

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