Examine the issues involved in providing professional services Essay Assignment Paper

Examine the issues involved in providing professional services Essay Assignment Paper

Examine the issues involved in providing professional services to close friends, relatives, and employees Essay Assignment Paper

Research Topic and Paper Outline:

TOPIC: A list of possible approved topics may be found in the course documents area, under Week One. You should inform your instructor about the topic you have chosen during Week 3.

ALTERNATIVE TOPICS: If you want to choose a topic that is not listed as already approved, contact the instructor giving a rationale for your choice of another area and asking for approval – Do this by the end of Week 3.

Potential Topics for Paper Remember any topic not on the list requires approval from the instructor by the end of Week Three. See the syllabus for specific instructions on the paper. Remember that each of the issues below is to be examined from the point of view of ethics and the professional practice of psychology.

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