Examine current information technology systems that are considered best practice Essay Assignment Paper

Examine current information technology systems that are considered best practice Essay Assignment Paper

Examine current information technology systems that are considered best practice in healthcare delivery, especially related to quality and patient safety Essay Assignment Paper

Paper details:

Pages count not include title page for each sections
Writer needs a background of Nurse practitioner / top writer
Writer needs to be proficient in Healthcare informatics and information systems. Additionally ostomy care
Citations 5yrs or less from journals..not books
I will send the template for Knowledge base for the writer to complete
papers to be completed in the following sequence: 1 Translation Science Project ..2. Knowledgeble template 3. Web Based Intervention propasal paper and 4.. Reflection

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Web-Based Intervention Proposal Guidelines
The purpose of this application is to develop a Web-based intervention proposal.
This assignment provides documentation to meet the following outcomes:

Examine current information technology systems that are considered best practice in healthcare delivery, especially related to quality and patient safety (DNP essential # II, IV)

Synthesize existing and emerging information systems that support evidence-based clinical decision making for quality improvement (DNP essential IV)

Apply informatics and information systems concepts to the advanced nursing practice role (DNP essential # IV)

Formulate strategies using healthcare technology and informatics to improve patient safety and health outcomes for quality improvement of advanced nursing practice (DNP essential ii, IV)

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