Early marriage Essay Assignment Paper

Early marriage Essay Assignment Paper

Early marriage Essay Assignment Paper

Marriage is the union of a man and a woman who makes a permanent and exclusive commitment to each other of the type that is naturally fulfilled by bearing and rearing children together. It is essentially a union of hearts and minds, enhanced by whatever forms of sexual intimacy both partners find agreeable but, there are numerous problems a couple can face when marriage happens at an early stage for them.

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Early marriage is also referred to as child marriage, where emotional and social effects take place, but one of the most common outcomes of early marriage is the withdrawal of girls from formal education. Education is important as it is not all about studying and getting good marks, but it means to discover new things and to gain a vast amount of knowledge. It would be one of the largest losses to a girl if she is married young. As India’s first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru said, “If u educate a man, you educate an individual; however, if you educate a woman you educate a whole family”.Buy Early Marriage Essay Paper

Couples that are married young may also lead to financial problems to occur. As a result, it brings them to poverty, the deprivation of basic human needs. Lack of proper education; do not help the inexperience couples to receive large income for the profession they do. Furthermore, children who grow up in poverty suffer more persistent than children who grow up under better financial circumstances. In addition, children in poverty have a greater risk of displaying behaviour and emotional problems, such as impulsiveness and difficulty getting along with their parents. Although money does not buy happiness, it is true that a financially unstable family can create tensions.

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