Drug Abuse and Teens’ Sexual Health Issues Essay Assignment Paper

Drug Abuse and Teens’ Sexual Health Issues Essay Assignment Paper

Drug Abuse and Teens’ Sexual Health Issues Essay Assignment Paper

In my previous research, I underlined the fact that there is a close and dangerous relationship between drug abuse and sexual behaviors among teenagers (Rees, Argys, & Averett, 2001) despite the issue being constantly under looked. Most of the sexually active teens indulge in unprotected sex with multiple partners, and the threat of unwanted pregnancies due to the influence of drugs has facilitated the inappropriate use of contraceptives among teenage girls.

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I further highlighted CASACU (2001) mention that researchers have confirmed that the number of teenage drug abusers is continuing to increase in most societies and this trend has caused sexual health hazards to many teenagers. It also revealed an intriguing statistic that a quarter of people who started using drugs below 18 years of age are drug addicts. On the other hand, only one out of 25 people of those people who start using drugs at the age of 21 or later becomes addicts.

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