Discussion: Finance Healthcare Service

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Discussion: Finance Healthcare Service essay assignment

Isleidy Alvarez 1 postsRe: Topic 4 DQ 1

The methods used to finance health care service is a major concern in America and it plays a major role in shaping a country’s health care system. Health care services include such as hospital care, physician care, dental services, and drugs that are provided directly to individuals.

The question of how to sustain, finance and manage healthcare involves a deeply ideological and political question, who is going to pay for it and how? Green (2018) discusses how the health profession continues to evolve, including various reforms in the United States public health policies, and the need for the development of plans to improve public health.

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When evaluating healthcare and insurance companies’ clinical effectiveness, compared to their financial sustainability, one can see that as far as the stakeholder/patient is concerned, companies do not want you to know about the practice of “covert rationing”. This practice by insurance companies, often limits availability of treatments, as a cost savings measure, and to preserve profits or raise salaries to company staff (Torrey,2018).

These issues of cost-effectiveness and rationed care can directly affect the quality and availability of care needed to obtain positive patient outcomes. I believe a reform solution to improve effectiveness in this area of concern, would be the greater need for transparency of coverage on the healthcare providers side, and increasing competitiveness among provider companies.

I believe that plans for universal healthcare need careful reconsideration. Also, I feel that the influx of millions of immigrants to the united states does nothing to improve this healthcare crisis. Again, who is going to pay for it, and how? This raises the concerns that reliance on taxation may be associated with higher private payments, especially during economic downturns (Evans,2002). It is all about freedom of choice, personal responsibility and required political and social involvement.


Evans RG. Financing health care: taxation and the alternatives. In: Mossialos EDA, Figueras J, Kutzin J,

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