Current and Future State of Health Care Essay Assignment Paper

Current and Future State of Health Care Essay Assignment Paper

Current and Future State of Health Care Essay Assignment Paper

The current healthcare environment in US comprises factors such as cost, healthcare structure, alliances, healthcare management, redesign and quality. When these characteristics are combined they have implications to healthcare delivery. In US healthcare costs has exceeded spending due to development and increased use technology. Technology use has increased healthcare costs. Due to increased costs patients are facing increased medical costs, reduction in operation in back-office costs, lack of compliance to HIPAA standards, upgrade of IT structures and switching to the web to provide real time connectivity, focusing on new strategies to make a difference from other products and incumbent players. A private system of healthcare financing and delivery of service has been developed.  Access to healthcare is restricted hence; patients cannot access services they need. Most Americans are not insured and can only access healthcare for serious conditions. Healthcare is partially controlled by free markets referred to as a quasi or an imperfect market. Patients are either admitted in a private health plan or Medicare, Medicaid, or SCHIP for patients who meet criteria of eligibility. Demands of healthcare services have increased due to the use of sophisticated technology and increased demands for the new services despite the diminishing resources to finance such programs.

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The new healthcare system in US aims at promoting heath services at a reduced cost. For instance, making shifts in the concept of health from illness to wellness. The system will require new methods and new settings to realize the promotion of wellness. This includes a shift from acute care to primary care. In addition, there is a shift from in-patient to out-patient.

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