Critical Thinking Habits of the Mind Essay Assignment Paper
Critical Thinking Habits of the Mind Essay Assignment Paper
What is the relationship between critical thinking and decision making?
Critical Thinking Habits of the Mind Essay Assignment Paper
Select the Write New Message icon and answer the following questions.
What types of questions does a critical thinker ask? Why?
What is the relationship between critical thinking and decision making? How would an effective critical thinker evaluate evidence when making a business decision? Critical Thinking Habits of the Mind Essay Assignment Paper
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Creative thinking involves calling into question the assumptions underlying our customary, habitual ways of thinking and acting and then being ready to think and act differently on the basis of the critical questioning.
Components of Critical Thinking
Identifying and challenging assumptions.
Recognizing the importance of context.
Imagining and exploring alternatives.
Developing reflective skepticism. Critical Thinking Habits of the Mind Essay Assignment Paper
Creative Thinkers
Consider rejecting standardized formats for problem solving.
Have an interest in a wide range of related and divergent fields.
Take multiple perspectives on a problem.
Use trial-and-error methods in their experimentation.
Have a future orientation.
Have self-confidence and trust in their own judgment.
Critical Thinking Involves
Recognizing underlying assumptions.
Scrutinizing arguments. Critical Thinking Habits of the Mind Essay Assignment Paper
Judging ideas.
Judging the rationality of these justifications by comparing them to a range of varying interpretations and prospective.
Providing positive as well as negative appraisal.
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Due to the rapid addition of new information and the advancement of science and technology that occur almost daily, an engineer must constantly expand his or her horizons beyond simple gathering information and relying on the basic engineering principles.
A number of homework problems have been included that are designed to enhance critical thinking skills. Critical thinking is the process we use to reflect on, access and judge the assumptions underlying our own and others ideas and actions.
Socratic questioning is at the heart of critical thinking and a number of homework problems draw from R.W. Paul’s six types of Socratic questions: Critical Thinking Habits of the Mind Essay Assignment Paper
1. Questions for clarification:
Why do you say that?
How does this relate to our discussion?
“Are you going to include diffusion in your mole balance equations?”
2. Questions that probe assumptions:
What could we assume instead?
How can you verify or disapprove that assumption?
“Why are neglecting radial diffusion and including only axial diffusion?”
3. Questions that probe reasons and evidence:
What would be an example?
What is….analogous to?
What do you think causes to happen…? Why:?
“Do you think that diffusion is responsible for the lower conversion?”
4. Questions about Viewpoints and Perspectives:
What would be an alternative?
What is another way to look at it?
Would you explain why it is necessary or beneficial, and who benefits?
Why is the best?
What are the strengths and weaknesses of…?
How are…and …similar?
What is a counterargument for…?
“With all the bends in the pipe, from an industrial/practical standpoint, do you think diffusion will affect the conversion?”
5. Questions that probe implications and consequences:
What generalizations can you make?
What are the consequences of that assumption?
What are you implying?
How does…affect…?
How does…tie in with what we learned before?
“How would our results be affected if neglected diffusion?” Critical Thinking Habits of the Mind Essay Assignment Paper
6. Questions about the question:
What was the point of this question?
Why do you think I asked this question?
What does…mean?
How does…apply to everyday life?
“Why do you think diffusion is important?”
1. Trigger Event
An unexpected happening that prompts a sense of inter-discomfort and perplexity
2. Appraisal
A period of self scrutinizing to identify and clarify the concern.
3. Exploration
Search for ways to explain discrepancy of to live with them
4. Developing alternative perspectives.
Select those assumptions and activities that seem the most satisfactory and congruent.
5. Integration
Becoming comfortable with, and acting, on new ideas assumption and new ways of thinking
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Critical Thinking Skills
Scheffer and Rubenfeld discuss critical thinking habits and critical thinking skills. For each of the critical thinking skills shown below, they give a number of activity statements. Critical Thinking Habits of the Mind Essay Assignment Paper
1. Analyzing Separating or breaking a whole into parts to discover their nature, functional and relationships.
“I studied it piece by piece”
“I sorted things out”
2. Applying Standards Judging according to established personal, professional, or social rules or criteria.
“I judged it according to…”
3. Discriminating Recognizing differences and similarities among things or situations and distinguishing carefully as to category or rank.
“I rank ordered the various…”
“I grouped things together”
4. Information Seeking Searching for evidence, facts, or knowledge by identifying relevant sources and gathering objective, subjective, historical, and current data from those sources
“I knew I needed to lookup/study…”
“I kept searching for data.”
5. Logical Reasoning Drawing inferences or conclusions that are supported in or justified by evidence
“I deduced from the information that…”
“My rationale for the conclusion was…” Critical Thinking Habits of the Mind Essay Assignment Paper
6. Predicting Envisioning a plan and its consequences
“I envisioned the outcome would be…”
“I was prepared for…”
7. Transforming Knowledge Changing or converting the condition, nature, form, or function of concepts among contexts
“I improved on the basics by…”
“I wondered if that would fit the situation of …”
Courtesy of B. K. Scheffer and M.G. Rubenfeld, “A Consensus Statement on Critical Thinking in Nursing,” Journal of Nursing Education, 39, 352-9 (2000).
Courtesy of B. K. Scheffer and M.G. Rubenfeld, “Critical Thinking: What Is It and How Do We Teach It?,” Current Issues in Nursing, J.M. Grace, Rubl, H.K. (2001). Critical Thinking Habits of the Mind Essay Assignment Paper
Critical Thinking Habits of the Mind
Scheffer and Rubenfeld state that critical thinking is an essential component of professional accountability. These also give critical thinking habits that ca apply to any discipline. These habits are show below.
Confidence Assurance of one’s reasoning abilities
Contextual Perspective Consideration of the whole situation, including relationships, background, and environment, relevant to some happening
Creativity Intellectual inventiveness used to generate, discover, or restructure ideas, imagining alternatives
Flexibility Capacity to adapt, accommodate, modify, or change thoughts, ideas, and behaviors
Inquisitiveness An eagerness to know by seeking knowledge and understanding through observation and thoughtful questioning in order to explore possibilities and alternatives
Intellectual Integrity Process of seeking the truth through sincere, honest means, even if the results are contrary to one’s assumptions and beliefs
Intuition Insightful sense of knowing without conscious use of reason
Open-mindedness A viewpoint characterized by being receptive to divergent views and sensitive to one’s biases . Critical Thinking Habits of the Mind Essay Assignment Paper
Perseverance Pursuit of a course with determination to overcome obstacles
Reflection Contemplation of a subject, especially one’s assumptions and thinking, for the purposes of deeper understanding and self-evaluation
Adapted from R. W. Paul, Critical Thinking (Santa Rosa, Calif.: Foundation for Critical Thinking, 1992).
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Critical Thinking Questions
One of the goals of the course is to have the readers further develop their critical thinking skills. One way to achieve this goal is through Socratic questioning. Throughout the course students will be asked to write questions on critical thinking drawing from information the Preface section B2. Below are some examples of critical thinking questions (CTQ) that are either superficial or don’t use R. W. Paul’s Six Types of Socratic Questioning.
(1) What specifically is the product?
While this question could be a CTQ from the clarification category, it is not a good critical thinking question because it is superficial and the information is about the product and is not relevant to solving for the conversion and reactor volumes as well as critiquing the answers.
(2) Is the reactor really tubular or does it have some bulges in it?
This is not a good critical thinking question because we know in Chapter 1 that even if the reactor varies in cross sectional area the conversion-volume relationship is the same. Critical Thinking Habits of the Mind Essay Assignment Paper
(3) Other no so good critical thinking questions
Will this be on the exam?
What’s the correct answers?
Why is there a “2” in this equation?
What are the units of this symbol?
While the last two questions are not CTQs, they may be valid questions.
(4) Is the rate law expected to hold at a lower temperature?
This question is not a good CTQ because it is superficial and not sufficiently penetrating.
Better would be
Under what conditions might the activation energy and reaction order change in temperature. This question is a good CTQ because it explores the assumptions under which the rat e law might change, such as in Langmuir Hinschelwood kinetics.Critical Thinking Habits of the Mind Essay Assignment Paper
(5) What equations should I use to solve the problem?
This question is not a good CTQ.
A similar, but better question is,
What thought process led you to choose the CSTR equation for the case of constant volumetric flow rates?
This question asks to describe the assumptions needed to arrive at the CSTR equation.
(6) Do the experimental data taken to formulate the rate law justify the reaction order being in integer?
This is a good CTQ because it probes the reason of perhaps rounding a reaction order of 1.8 up to a second order reaction when the evidence from the data support an order of 1.8.
(7) What are the consequences of make the reaction order in integer?
This is a good CTQ because it probes implications and consequences. Critical Thinking Habits of the Mind Essay Assignment Paper
(8) The liquid phase volumetric flow rate was et at 25 dm3/s giving as space time of 45 seconds. This flow rate is quite high. Do you feel this flow rate can be achieved in practice and that 90% conversion can be achieved?
This is a good CTQ because it challenges the questions perspective and view points from a practical standpoint (is ) reasonable, and probes implications as to whether 90% conversion can be achieved because of perhaps poor mixing resulting from the high flow rates.
(9) Constant molar flow rates were assumed in the treatment of this question, how would your approach to this problem differ if this assumption were not valid? Assuming that the given reaction is highly exothermic, what is the advantage of using a semi-batch reactor for this process?
These questions are of the Socratic form because they probes implications and consequences of changing the conditions of the original problem. The student is required to understand the problem in its entirety rather than just memorizing the approach used for specific conditions. Critical Thinking Habits of the Mind Essay Assignment Paper
Creative Thinkers:
Consider rejecting standardized formats for problem solving.
Have an interest in a wide range of related and divergent fields.
Take multiple perspectives on a problem.
Use trial-and-error methods in their experimentation.
Have a future orientation.
Have self-confidence and trust in their own judgment.
Creative Thinking Questions
What would exist that does not exist now?
What would be happening that does not happen now?
What decisions would be made and executed?
What accomplishments would be in place that are not now?
What patterns of behavior that currently in place would be eliminated?
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