Critical Appraisal of Nursing Diversification Essay Assignment Paper
Critical Appraisal of Nursing Diversification Essay Assignment Paper
The paper “Critical Appraisal of Nursing Diversification” is an outstanding example of an essay on nursing. This paper focuses on criticizing and analyzing the increase of nursing workforce through recruitment, retention, and graduation of nursing students to bring diversification and equality in nursing among the multi-culture.
The Aboriginal community comprises of 4% of Canadian population which are considered as the minority (statistic Canada 2008) of which 60% of their youth do not complete high school. More so, a high rate of mortality and poverty has engulfed Aboriginals (Canadian population health initiative, 2004). Apart from all those constraints that limit them to pursue their dream in nursing, the Aboriginal communities face other buries like; colonial and Aboriginal culture limit or bar them from education and career because the majority of them could not compete well at the high school level. This marginalized and oppresses them from the nursing program.
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