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Claims makers Discussion and Responses essay assignment
1. Thinking back to last week’s question about the first claims makers calling attention to the troubling condition of COVID-19, would you classify them as insider or outsider claims makers? For those first claims makers, what type of resources (power, status, contacts, education, money) did they have? Did those resources help make their claim be known? Did those resources help the claims makers reach the media, public, policymakers? Why or why not?
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2. Recall the diagram linking outsider claims makers to the media, public, and policymakers. Using an example of a recent protest or movement you know about (in any city, state, or country), identify the: 1) troubling condition and claims makers, 2) the resources that claims makers had, 3) their tactics for reaching the media, public, and/or policymakers. Were these tactics effective? Effectiveness with regard to media attention, public empathy/sympathy, and/or policy change. Why or why not?
here is last week’s question:
1.) We know that models are only as good as the data we input. Using our contemporary Covid-19 crisis, let’s begin to test the model. Thinking back to the social problems process model from lecture 2, please research some of the first claims makers calling attention to the troubling condition of Covid-19 (these can be claims makers operating in the domestic or international arena). Who are/were they? When (date) and how (medium) did they begin sounding the alarm? What did they say? How did they make the claim about this troubling condition? What were the credentials of these claims makers? What was the initial reaction to this information? (by politicians, media sources, the public)?
2) Thinking back to the social problems process model from lecture 2, please provide a critique or extension of the model. Does the model fit how you believe a contemporary troubling condition would emerge as worthy of action? Why or why not? How would you change the model to better fit our contemporary time? Would you remove one of the six stages? Would you add another stage? Please explain what you would change and why.
Taking into consideration the resurrection of the Black Lives Matter movement, I would like to focus on this particular situation for the rest of the question. The troubling condition in this circumstance is the police brutality that disproportionately targets African Americans. One claimsmaker that has really stuck with me is Kimberly Jones. Jones is an author, documentary filmmaker, and BLM activist that went viral for a video in which she had dissected the reasons as to why people were protesting in the streets as well as the reasons as to why people should stop fixating so much on the looting and rioting because it has been harnessed in a way meant to discredit the BLM movement. Jones had gone viral throughout various social media platforms in the wake of the public execution of George Floyd at the hands of police. Through this video her message, and her face were spread throughout the internet that had also allotted her spots on various high profile shows such as ‘The Daily Show with Trevor Noah’ and ‘Last Week Tonight with John Oliver’. Her emotionally charged statements working in tandem with her razor persion in explaining as well as dismantling the discrimination Black Americans face on a daily basis and the bad faith critiques provided from BLM counter movements. I believe that these tactics were extremely effective because Jones was able to eloquently describe why people were protesting in a manner that appealed heavily to the audience’s emotions. Jones had used a metaphor comparing the Black struggle to a game of Monopoly where no matter what a Black person in America does, their power in the form of economic liberty has consistently been taken away from them. This metaphor was an excellent way of allowing the audience to digest the BLM movement in a manner by using a popular game that many have played to draw comparisons and conclusions. This video had allowed for many in the public to sympathize much more with the BLM movement thus allowing for many more eyes to be drawn back to the troubling condition at hand which is the disproportionate rates of police brutality against African Americans. Not only that but his video had also allowed for large amounts of media coverage due to the strong diction utilized by Jones as well as the public support behind her and the BLM movement. However, while there was large amounts of public support and media coverage, there has been very little policy change in effect.