Changing Role of the Nurses Essay Assignment Paper

Changing Role of the Nurses Essay Assignment Paper

Changing Role of the Nurses Essay Assignment Paper


The nurses have a complex behavior expected of them. However, nursing has faced insurmountable problems throughout a long time and turbulent history due to some considerable differences in one or more nursing institutions. These differences come as a result of an effort of trying to be stable at the same time conducting innovation and also an attempt to bring change whilst holding firmly to the old useful practices of nursing. To their much commendation is their attempt to keep pace with the rapidly changing technological and social structure (Mussallem, 2010).  The main aim of this essay is to study in depth the main cause of changes that have occurred on the nurses’ role and how this has affected their relationship with other health professionals.There are many regulations that govern blood bankers to ensure that blood is donated processed and transfused as required by health standards. This was purely a role of laboratory technologists but the nurses were involved along the line of this process especially in the transfusion process such as those in providing emergency.  According to the Malaysian code of conduct, they are required to ensure that blood storage facilities are maintained properly. Also, the person in charge of healthcare facility such as do the nurses in the new evolved roles shall be under adequate control and supervision of the facility (REPRINT Act 586 PRIVATE HEALTHCARE, 2006).

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