Barriers in Pursuing Vegetarianism business

Order Barriers in Pursuing Vegetarianism business essay paper help

Barriers in Pursuing Vegetarianism if Food Business Is Efficient & Productive essay assignment

  1. Put the following arguments in standard form. Watch for any missing premises or conclusions. (2 points)
  2. Diagram your argument. Diagrams may be drawn by hand, then scanned or photographed, or typed using arrows and plus (+) signs when required. Whichever method you use, be sure your work is clear and legible; I will not attempt to interpret your meaning. Submit work in a form other than pdf so I can mark it up. (2 points)
  3. State whether the argument is deductive, inductive, conductive, or a mix (and say what it is a mixture of). (1 point)

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All of the examples are arguments, though not all are good ones.

Each question is worth 5 points; half marks will be assigned.

Assignments are to be submitted to the appropriate Dropbox folder by the date indicated on the folder.

  1. There is almost no suffering in factory farming—certainly no more than in traditional forms of farming. Foie gras has been produced for hundreds of years by the force-feeding of geese. Since animals were first domesticated they have been herded together, confined, branded, killed and eaten. Suffering is not the fault of modern “factory” farming; it’s just the way things are when people eat meat.

2.The Americans have chosen to spend their limited resources on missiles, heavy industry and low taxes rather than on universal medical care, affordable drugs and a social safety net. Universal medical care is simply not a high priority in America. The best estimates available indicate that America allocated 9.8% of the gross national product to medical care in 1985, 7.5% in 1997, and 6.4% in 2011. The trend is clear.

  1. The Americans have chosen to spend their limited resources on missiles, heavy industry and low taxes rather than on universal medical care, affordable drugs and a social safety net.
  2. The best estimates available indicate that America allocated 9.8% of the gross national product to medical care in 1985, 7.5% in 1997, and 6.4% in 2011. The trend is clear.
  3. The trend is clear.


  1. Universal medical care is simply not a high priority in America.
  2. 2.



The argument is inductive.

3.Suffering and death from lack of food, shelter, and medical care are bad. If it is in our power to prevent this from happening, without thereby sacrificing anything of comparable moral significance, we ought, morally, to do it.

4.According to the National Safety Council, farming is the nation’s most dangerous job….In 1999 farming clocked in at 55 job-related deaths per 100,000 workers, or five times the rate for all major industries combined. And in my own experience, there is more opportunity of a family farm for older children who help out to take unnecessary risks around large complicated machinery.

5.If the business of food is going to successfully continue, then the state can’t impose vegetarianism (and, fortunately, that’s not being proposed here). But that business should be efficient and productive like any other—that’s in the interest of the producer, who makes a profit, and the consumer, who gets a low price.


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