Autism Assignment Research Essay Assignment Paper
Autism Assignment Research Essay Assignment Paper
Autism is a neuronal disorder in which the patients portray improper social interactions and communication. It ties the patient to limited and repetitive behavior the disorganization of neuronal components within the brain. The disorganization of the neuronal connections such as synapses leads to three possible disorders that fall under the Autism Spectrum; Asperger’s Syndrome, Pervasive Developmental Disorder and Autism itself. The actual details of the disorganization of neuronal connections are not known. The social skills of the child are significant in diagnosing the disorder. Linguistic proficiency and behavior are also crucial markers in the diagnostic process. Management of the disorder aims at reducing the insufficiencies and distress that result from the disease. Psychosocial means of treatments like family support and special education are the ones that enable their functional independence. Creative therapies, special diets, acupuncture, chelation therapies and other sensory-based diets are also fundamental in the management of autism.
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Pathophysiology of Autism
Neuronal Anomalies
The configuration of cells within the brain of children suffering from autism is improper leading to the impairment of its functioning. The frontal lobe, temporal lobe and the cerebellum both exhibit these anomalies. In childhood, the amygdala and the hippocampus hypertrophy are enlarged. The density of neurons within the prefrontal cortex of autistic children is higher than that in normal children. Post-mortem autopsies reveal that the cingulated and fusiform gyri has fewer than normal gamma-aminobutyric acid-B receptors. The cingulate gyrus is crucial in social relations, cognitions and emotions. The fusiform gyrus functions in face evaluations and noticing facial expressions. (Frith, 1989)Autism Assignment Research Essay
Metabolic anomalies
Imbalances in some neurotransmitters and hormones also lead to behavioral disorders such as autism. Serotonin and some other neuro-peptides like anti-diuretic hormone and oxytocin cause disorders in relational behaviors if their proportions are imbalanced.
Serum biotinidase that enables metabolism (use and recycling) of biotin is essential in maintaining the behavioral functions of an individual. Insufficiency of this enzyme leads to change in relational behavior resulting in autistic manifestations.
The decreased composition of the blood of autistic children with the complement protein C4B leads to increased immune vulnerability.
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