Role of Government in Public Health Essay Assignment Paper

Role of Government in Public Health Essay Assignment Paper

Role of Government in Public Health Essay Assignment Paper

The role of government in public health is crucial. The health issue that is prevalent in the community is teen pregnancy. The research of national, state, and local governmental health agency websites for information on the chosen health issue points out to the fact that the problem can be solved by joint actions of relevant agencies. There is much evidence that particular aspects of public health depend on the functioning of governmental agencies. For example, the enforcement of laws affects the way public health issues are resolved at the local level. According to experts, the development and implementation of governmental public health activities are connected with the structure of federalist system of government based on three levels of authority- national, state and local levels (Novick et al., 2008, p. 70). The examination of the various roles of government in serving public health allows having a good understanding of the usefulness of the structure and purpose of public health at national, state and local levels.

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