Middle Range Theory in Nursing Paper Essay Assignment Paper
Middle Range Theory in Nursing Paper Essay Assignment Paper
The credibility of a profession is based upon its ability to create and apply theory. Nursing as a whole has not been at the forefront of theoretical research being much more practical or hands-on in nature. Unless nurses increase the value placed on research and the body of knowledge that establishes the legitimacy of their practice then nursing will remain in a subordinate position in the medical environment.
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Theorists anticipated that by conceptualizing models of nursing, practitioners would be able to become more autonomous in their clinical settings while increasing the visibility and authority of nursing as a discipline.
It would therefore be anticipated that nurses being able to comprehend and use theory will continue to grow with more master degree nurses and with the development of advanced practice nurses. Theoretical development is imperative as nursing progresses into care management, prescribing rights and specialist arenas traditionally held solely by physicians.
Current embodiments such as the Magnet Recognition Program have encouraged theoretical research in nursing (McCrae, 2012) Definition Middle range theory as defined by Smith and Liehr (2008) is a set of related ideas associated with the defined reality of nursing.
These theories are developed at the level where research and nursing practice intersect. Nursing is a professional discipline and as such middle range theories are part of this structure.Middle Range Theory in Nursing Paper
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