NR 512 Nursing fundamentals – Applying Standardized Terminology in Nursing Practice Essay Assignment Paper
NR 512 Nursing fundamentals – Applying Standardized Terminology in Nursing Practice Essay Assignment Paper
In our current practice nursing professionals have an agreed standardized terminology in which they use to connect amongst each other and additional healthcare professionals. According to Moorhead (2013), standardized terminology (ST) has facilitated nurses to collectively agree upon mutual terminology to describe assessments, interventions, and results related to nursing care documentation. . Nurses from various settings, practices, and demographic areas will be able to use and understand common terminology to recognize a patient specific problem, the implemented intervention, and the observed outcome. NANDA, NOC, and NIC are the organizations within standardized terminology that will be conversed throughout this paper and how they relate to patient care based on the scenario provided. The scenario is as follows: A 89 year old female is admitted for complaints of SOB and difficulty breathing. She is anxious, tachypnic, tachycardic, and blood pressure is elevated. Her lung sounds are rhonchi throughout, and she is currently saturating 93% on 5L O2. She has a chest x-ray and swallow evaluation ordered and her lab work is pending.
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