Effects of Having Unprotected Sex Essay Assignment Paper

Effects of Having Unprotected Sex Essay Assignment Paper

Effects of Having Unprotected Sex Essay Assignment Paper

Some people don’t realist that everyone doesn’t portray sex the same way. To make logical choices regarding sex is extremely important. If the choices made aren’t logical, having unprotected sexual intercourse could result in unwanted pregnancy, STD’s such as herpes, pubic lice, HIV, and hurt feelings. One of the major risks of having unprotected sex is pregnancy.

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Pregnancy for teens, for instance, is their biggest fear of having sex as they rarely use contraceptives. There are 13 000 teen pregnancies every year. Out of all of these pregnancies, 50% choose abortion, 20% choose single parenting, 15% eliminate marriage, and 12-13% choose to get married. Even thought there are so many teen pregnancies per year, it has decreased by half since the 1970s. Teen pregnancies can result in hemorrhage (hard to control bleeding), damaged cervix, preterm birth, and/or infertility (So, Wong, and DeLeon 457). Out of all of these possibilities, these are only the physical complications. Psychological problems from sex are guilt and depression. After they have sex they can feel guilty for being or making their partner pregnant. Also, depression can make you feel bad about yourself, especially if you become sexually attracted to someone and they leave you.

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