Sex Survey Assignment Case Study Essay Assignment Paper

Sex Survey Assignment Case Study Essay Assignment Paper

Sex Survey Assignment Case Study Essay Assignment Paper

The Essay is an opportunity for the student to explore an area of interest in Sociology, Social Policy, or politics. The topic for this term is “College Student Sexual Health” which can be seen as a current issue or a historical social problem. Put your ideas into an organized analysis. Your paper should be argumentative. It’s about how society is affected and how the members of society react to the social forces of culture, institutions and structure. You should discuss how and why? What you believe to be true and what is really true.  You are not allowed to use any other sources, except your textbook (You are allowed to quote No more than three sentences!), and the survey results from the College Student Sexual Health survey administered by the SOCI/PSYC-2306 & SOCI-1301 class. Soci 1301:

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