The Psychology of Propaganda Paper

The Psychology of Propaganda Paper essay paper help

The Psychology of Propaganda Paper essay assignment


The Psychology of Propaganda paper (50 points)   INSTUCTIONS: It is an important objective of this class to provide you with the skills necessary to become an informed consumer of information. Toward this end, it is important to be aware of persuasive methods people and organizations may use to sway beliefs and how innate cognitive biases can make us vulnerable to certain kinds of persuasive tactics. Make sure to read all of the instructions thoroughly and provide content for each component. Students lose the most points by failing to provide responses to requested elements. This is a paper so it should be in academic paper format with proper use of APA style including citation of sources.

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· Read the Hobbs and McGee article.

· Watch the Dunning-Kruger YouTube video.

· Summarize the Hobbs and McGee article.

· Describe each of the seven propaganda devices.

· Provide a unique (not from the paper) and brief example of each of the seven propaganda devices.

· Describe the Dunning-Kruger Effect.

· Discuss the impact of propaganda on the psychological phenomenon of Dunning-Kruger. A synthesis of the two concepts.

· How can the effects of propaganda and the DK Effect be countered?

**The Hobbs and McGee article and the Dunning-Kruger video can be found in the tab for Week 8, make sure to include it in the reference. the Dunning-Kruger:


· Scholarly and academic tone

· Integrates theory

· Demonstrates critical analysis

· Provides unique examples

· Cover page

· References page

· 6 pages maximum not including cover page and references page, 1 inch margins, 12 pt font

· APA Style cover page, citations, formatting, and references

· Proof-read before submission

· Good mechanics (spelling, grammar, punctuation)

· An abstract is not required for this paper. It is a more traditional report. It will, however, be required on the Research Paper.

Your submission will be sent to Turnitin to be electronically reviewed for plagiarism. Only the following file types will be accepted: Word 97-2003 (.doc), Word 2007+ (.docx), Excel (.xls, .xlsx), PowerPoint (.pps, .ppsx, .ppt, .pptx), PDF (.pdf), PostScript (.eps, .ps), plain text (.txt), HTML (.htm, .html), WordPerfect (.wpd), OpenOffice (.odt), rich text (.rtf), Hangul (.hwp)

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