Race and Ethnicity

Order Race and Ethnicity essay paper help

Race and Ethnicity essay assignment


  • Read Chapters Chapter 21: “Population, Urbanization, and the Environment


  • Review the PBS Frontline documentary “The Storm”https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/film/storm/ and the documentary “The End of Poverty.” https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x22eynh

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Food for Thought:

After the hurricane and killer floods, New Orleans was victimized by another disaster…… the disaster response itself. Every level of government that was supposed to prepare for the storm and its aftermath failed miserably. All were unwilling to make the expensive commitments to shore up vulnerable levees or replenish vanishing wetlands that left New Orleans so open to flooding. There was no logical plan to evacuate the city, particularly those too sick, poor or stubborn to leave. Almost eight years after the disaster in New Orleans, people were still asking these questions: What happened to FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency)? Who was responsible for the disaster? Was it the government’s responsibility on the local, state and/or federal level to provide for the citizens of New Orleans? Or were the citizens themselves responsible, like many critics argued, because they did not leave before the hurricanes hit?

The documentary for this week, ‘The Storm”https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/film/storm/  looks at what happens when our government on all levels fails to provide for its citizens.

Question: Why do you think FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) and the government on all levels failed the citizens of New Orleans, leaving thousands dead and homeless? Did race and ethnicity play a role in FEMA’s late response or was FEMA simply overwhelmed and unaware of just how bad the situation was?

Total Assignment (original response, two responses on other posts, and up to five responses on my post):

Original Response (due Wednesday):

One original answer to the discussion question

Two Paragraphs, 150-250 words

Need to weave in evidence, anecdotes, examples, or citations in MLA format from the readings/videos.


Reply to two of your classmates on their post: (Due Wednesday).

One paragraph each, minimum of 6-8 sentences, 75-150 words

ask critical questions back, elaborate their thoughts


Respond to my post: (I’ll send the responses on Sunday because I need to wait for responses, could be up to five responses, Due Monday)

One or a few sentences, but needs to be thoughtful instead of restating what they said.

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