SMART Goals and Project Objectives

SMART Goals and Project Objectives essay paper help

SMART Goals and Project Objectives essay assignment

In this assignment, you will locate and summarize content of 2 articles on the use of SMART goals/objectives: what they are, how they are used, and why they are effective. Assignment must contain citations and references in correct APA format.

You will also select 3 peer reviewed articles that address your chosen focus area for your Capstone Project and create 3-5 goals/objectives for your Capstone Project using the SMART Goals/Objective format.

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· Summarize 2 articles discussing what SMART goals are, how they are used, and/or why they can be an effective tool.

· Select 3 peer reviewed articles addressing chosen focus area to include in the provided grid.

· Create 3-5 objectives for Capstone Project using SMART format.

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