before and after photos

Order before and after photos essay paper help

before and after photos essay assignment

Kindly place your order right now for a plagiarism-free, custom-written essay assignment that is absolutely original on before and after photos done by our best nursing writers

You are a patient at seeing a Plastic Surgeon for a consultation. During your visit, the physician takes out his cell phone and takes several pictures of the areas for the surgery. During this process the physician explains that this will be a part of his before and after collection.

Is there a problem with him using his personal cell phone and not a camera dedicated to the medical practice? Did you sign some disclaimer saying photos could be taken for non-medical purposes? How do you feel about what the physician did? Are there any violation(s)? If so, explain. How would you handle this situation? Create a 2-3 page paper to answer the questions in this case study.


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